For information or questions regarding the scheduling of funeral arrangements or the sale of cemetery products and services, please contact our staff at:
PHONE 309/681-1400
FAX 309/681-1423
You may also contact us via email:
Aaron Comte
General Manager
Marilyn Cundiff
Family Services Rep & Genealogy Consultant
Annette Gutierrez
Bookkeeper / Accounting
Monica Jones
Family Services Rep & Corporate Records
Or send us a message below:
The cemetery is open to the public. Please feel free to visit during regular hours.
Cemetery Office:
8 am to 4:00 pm | Monday through Friday
Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
Entry to Grounds by Vehicle:
6 am to 8 pm | April to September
Sunrise to Sunset | October to March
The cemetery grounds are always open.
We do, however, discourage entry after dark.
6 am to 6 pm | Daily
A key is required to enter the mausoleum. If you would like to visit loved ones interred in the mausoleum and do not have a key, please stop by the cemetery office during regular office hours to complete the entry form, and we will issue a key to you.
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Good Friday
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve
3014 North Prospect Road
Peoria, Illinois 61603
The main entrance to Springdale Cemetery is at 3014 N. Prospect Road. The easiest approach from out of town is to take U.S. 150 (War Memorial Drive) into Peoria and turn south on Prospect Road. The cemetery’s main entrance is just past Forrest Hill Avenue on your left, the east side of the Prospect Road.
If you are coming to Springdale from downtown Peoria, drive north on Knoxville Avenue or Sheridan Road to McClure Avenue. Go right on McClure to Prospect Road. Go north on Prospect Road four blocks to the Springdale entrance on your right.